
Inertial impaction is frequently used for the collection and subsequent measurement of aerosol particles in resonator-based airborne particulate matter (PM) sensors. However, particle bounce is known to significantly reduce particle collection efficiency (CE) on surfaces exhibiting low roughness, such as those present in quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) PM sensors. This paper shows that the addition of micropillars to impaction surfaces can significantly enhance their particle collection. Similarities in particle capture mechanisms between fibrous filters and pillar-enhanced surfaces are explained, and we show the adaptability of fibrous filter theory to pillared surface collection efficiency. Experiments confirm that the micropillar cross section and spacing have a significant role in particle capture. Pillars with circular, rectangular, and cross-shaped horizontal cross sections with 15 μm height and 12 μm (dense), 20 μm (nominal), and 27 μm (sparse) center-to-center spacings were printed using two-photon micro stereolithography. The efficiency increased by 35%–52% in the dense case, while the effect of the pillar shape was negligible. At nominal spacing, CE depended heavily on the pillar shape. The cross-shaped and circular pillars improved the CE by 26%–29%, although the rectangular pillars were as efficient as the bare surface. No significant difference between the bare and pillar-enhanced surfaces was visible in sparse spacing. We further show that, upon addition of a nominal distribution of micropillars to the surface of a QCM sensor for real-time mass measurements, the sensor response improved significantly (approximately 2.5 times) compared to a QCM with a bare surface.

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