
Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)seeds were treated with fungal and bacterial antagonists. The seeds were soaked in fungal spores the bacterial suspension for 15 minutes. The treated seeds were incubated for 7-8 days.The percentage incidence of mycoflora, percentage of seed germination and vigour index were calculated in treated and controlled seeds. In treated seeds the percentage incidence of seed mycoflora decrease whereas percentage of seed germination and vigour index increases as compaired to control. The seeds are treated with biocontrol agent like Trichodermaharzianum, Trichodermaviride, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis, Among these Trichodermaharzianum and pseudomonas fluorescens were most effective.The seeds were also treated with plant extracts like AdirachtaindicaA. Juss., Ocimum sanctum L., Withaniasomnifera(L) Dunal, Polyalthialongifolia (sonner), Lantana camera (L). And Zingiberofficinale(Rosc.). Among these effective AdirachtaindicaA. Juss., was more effective than other plants.

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