
Marma Chikitsa is very useful in present era specially in pain management. While describing Sharir Rachna different Acharya has described about Marma and vital regions of the body. Marma Sthan is a confluence on body where two or more structures Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi or Sandhi. In human body many structures have Prana (Vital Power) these are known as Marma and Pranayatana. These Marma Sthan harmonize the nervous and endocrine system and normalize different pathology in the body through vital power itself, with proper stimulations/manipulation. This technique is known as Marma Chikitsa. Marma Chikitsa is an ancient Indian practice whose purpose is stimulations / manipulation of vital energy (Prana) in the body for enhancing the healing process. Marma’s knowledge helps the clinicians to regulate the flow of Prana through the coarse and subtle bodies in order to restore the patient’s health and serenity. All authorities of Ayurveda have described Udavarta Yoni Vyapad and it’s management. Dysmenorrhea means painful menstruation which can be corelated with Udavarta Yoni Vyapad. It occurs in 50% of post pubescent females. Dysmenorrhea literally means painful menstruation but a more realistic and practical definition includes case of painful menstruation of sufficient magnitude so as to incapacitate day to day activities. Primary Dysmenorrhea refers to menstrual pain without pelvic pathology. Udavarta Yoni Vyapad is characterized by painful menstruation. According to Charak, Rajas is pushed in upward direction by the aggravated Vayu due to obstruction in its normal flow (Anulomana Gati) in Pakwashya.

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