
This work is focused on the effect of marine aerosols on soda-lime, potash-lime and lead silicate glass samples. Two kinds of tests were carried out, the first one under laboratory controlled condition during 36days to evaluate the alteration of glass surface by NaCl aerosols, and the second one in a marine atmosphere in Cabo Vilano (Galicia, Spain) for up to three months. Both tests showed similar results. NaCl aerosols acted as condensation nuclei in high humidity environments favoring the lixiviation of the alkaline and alkaline-earth ions from the glass surface and the solubilization of atmospheric gases (CO2, SO2).Marine aerosols could also accelerate the corrosion attack inducing the loss of the surface hydrogen bonds and the opening of the network accelerating the corrosion mechanism. Results also confirmed that high humidity favored the alteration of the glass surface and the formation of new crystalline phases. Soda-lime silicate and lead silicate glasses were the most durable ones, whereas potash-lime silicate glass presented a fissured alteration layer due to the hydrolytic attack of the surface. New crystalline phases including chlorides, carbonates and sulfates were detected on the glass surfaces which can be related to marine aerosols, environmental particles and the reaction of the cations lixiviated from the glass with the atmospheric gases.

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