
Background: Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is commonly named as Jowar, belongs to family Framineae. The presence of anti-nutrients affect the nutritional values by limiting protein and starch digestibility, hinder mineral bioavailability. This can be reduced by malting procedures. Hence, the study was undertaken to study the effect of malting on nutritional composition, anti nutritional factors and mineral composition. Methods: Processing methods include soaking for 24 hr and germination for different time periods and drying in hot air oven for 2-3 hr. at 50oC. The yield of malted sorghum flour is 95g/100g. Result: Nutrient composition include moisture, protein, fat, ash, crude fibre, carbohydrate and energy showed that the sorghum germinated for 3 days has the higher value of 6.7%, 11.37g, 3.27g, 1g 2.4g 73.57g 375 /100g respectively. The micronutrients i.e. calcium and iron content of malted flour was significantly increased (p less than 0.05) to 28mg/100g, 5.83mg/100g. Anti-nutrients like Tannin and Phytate decreased subsequently in three day germinated sorghum to 61.2mg/100g, 50.625mg/100g respectively. The result showed that processing increases the nutritional, mineral composition and decreases theanti-nutritional factors in sorghum. Hence, Sorghum has potential in fortification of food productsand its suitability of utilization in formulation of value added food products.

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