
I examined the vigilance behavior of male Cebus capucinus residing in four groups in Santa Rosa Park, Costa Rica. One male emigrated from each of three study groups, providing ideal experimental conditions for examining the effect of coresident males on male vigilance behavior (social and non-social). Following the predator and conspecific defense theories for the adaptive value of male vigilance behavior and the occurrence of multimale groups, I predicted that male nonsocial vigilance would increase after the emigration of a coresident male. My prediction was supported in only one of the three study groups. Males in two groups decreased their nonsocial vigilance after the emigration of a coresident male, which was probably influenced by seasonal changes and the peripherality of one group's coresident male before his emigration. The social vigilance hypothesis proposes that for species with rigid dominance hierarchies, social vigilance should increase with an increase in same sex competitors. Therefore, I predicted that male social vigilance would decrease after the emigration of a coresident male. The hypothesis is generally supported in my findings, as two of the three groups displayed a decrease in social vigilance after the emigration of a coresident male. Increased social vigilance in the third group is best explained by the change in the alpha male's social behavior after the emigration of his only coresident male.

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