
Soil fertility is mainly related to soil total organic carbon (C) that should be preserved in order to optimize soil quality and functionality. Consequently, the use of organic amendments could be a possible strategy to increase soil C and nitrogen (N) storage particularly in orchard systems where the disturbance of soil is reduced thus making favorable conditions for C and N stabilization.The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution and stabilization of organic C and total N in aggregate fractions after a 14-years-period of compost application to a peach orchard. The trial was conducted in the south-eastern Po valley, on a commercial nectarine orchard and the following treatments were compared in a complete randomized block design with four replicates: 1. unfertilized control; 2. mineral fertilization; 3. compost at a rate of 10 Mg dry weight ha−1 yr−1. At the end of orchard lifetime, soil was sampled from the row at four depths (0–0.15, 0.16–0.25, 0.26–0.45, and 0.46–0.65 m) and physically fractionated to separate macroaggregates (> 250 μm), microaggregates (250–50 μm) and silt and clay (< 50 μm) that were analyzed for organic C, total N, δ13C, and δ15N.Compost addition induced a significant increase of macroaggregates (66%), no changes in microaggregates and a decrease of silt and clay (22%) compared to control and mineral fertilization. With compost the accumulation of organic C and total N content in the macroaggregates was four-five times higher than the other two treatments in all the depths, therefore almost 50% of the soil organic C was in this fraction, compared to 20–24% in the control and mineral. In the micro-aggregates more C and N accumulated only in the two top layers, while no effect was observed in the silt and clay fraction. From macro-to microaggregates to the silt and clay fraction, the C/N ratio shifted from 9 to 7.5 to 6 on average indicating that the C and N stabilized in the finer fractions is mainly of microbial origin. The enrichment in C and N isotopic composition from macro-to micro to silt and clay is also indicative of the isotopic fractionation due to microbial metabolism and the consequent stabilization of microbial residues in the finer fractions. In the control and mineral, only receiving orchard litter, this change was observed in all the layers, on the contrary, with compost similar δ13C and δ15N values characterized the fractions in the top soil layer suggesting the occlusion of compost in all the fraction. With depth the macroaggregates maintained the same δ13C and δ15N values indicating consistent redistribution of compost in deep soil layers, while the finest fractions showed a progressive enrichment of δ13C due to the presence of C fractionated during microbial metabolism and progressively stabilized. In conclusion, compost supply leads to positive effects on C and N accumulation and stabilization also in the deeper layers favoring the increase of long-term soil fertility and C storage.

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