
Agroforestry is increasingly promoted to support biodiversity conservation by increasing tree cover in agricultural landscapes, but the extent to which landscape context affects how benefits accrue remains uncertain. We used shade-coffee systems to ask how the proximity and extent of forest and forest-agriculture mosaic in the landscape influenced bird communities in 160 coffee plantations that differed in coffee plant density and shade tree richness and abundance in two departments of Colombia with differing regional forest cover. Our findings suggest that regional forest cover and landscape conditions can mediate the response of birds to local habitats on plantations. Avian richness and community completeness was positively related to the amount of forest-agriculture mosaic within landscapes surrounding coffee plantations only within the comparatively forested department of Antioquia (mean 32% regional forest cover), particularly where plantations had high richness and abundance of trees. In the largely deforested department of Cauca (mean 1%), neither distance to forest nor cover by forest-agriculture mosaics explained avian richness and community completeness, both of which were positively related only to local tree richness and abundance. We show that biodiversity benefits from increasing habitat quality at local and landscape scales, and habitat quality within plantations becomes increasingly influential as the amount of habitat in the broader landscape declines. Our results emphasize the role of landscape context in conservation planning to promote biodiversity in coffee-growing regions.

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