
This experiment determined if 2% of gelatin, to improve the levels of proline and glycine in the diet, and 70 mg/kg of vitamin E supplementation would relieve the impaired performance of male Cobb broilers vaccinated for coccidiosis. Half of the chicks were vaccinated via water (live oocysts), while the other half received medication (salinomycin) in the feed until 35 d of age. The effects of coccidiosis vaccine on performance and mRNA levels of genes involved in mucin synthesis, cytokines, trefoil family factor-2 (TFF2), and metabolic processes (CD36) in the jejunum of broilers were measured. Vaccination negatively affected performance in the first 21 d; however, the inclusion of gelatin and vitamin E reduced this negative response. Additionally, supplementation with these nutrients led to an improvement in broilers receiving the coccidiostat (P < 0.05). From 21 to 35 d, birds treated with gelatin and coccidiosis vaccine experienced better body weight gain than birds without gelatin and vitamin E (P < 0.05). Vaccinated chickens had decreased body weight and decreased anti-inflammatory cytokine expression. Furthermore, they had increased inflammatory cytokine expression, mucin 2 expression, and TFF2 compared to salinomycin-fed broilers (P < 0.05). Transcripts for IL-1B, IFN-y, MUC2, TFF2 were decreased while mRNAs for IL-4 and IL-10 increased in salinomycin-fed broilers compared to vaccinated broilers (P < 0.05). In conclusion, broilers vaccinated against coccidiosis increase their pro-inflammatory immune status and mucin expression compared to broilers receiving salinomycin. These events may contribute to lower performance in vaccinated broiler chicks. Moreover, vitamin E and gelatin can minimize the vaccine's negative immune effects and promote better performance.

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