
Lithium carbonate treatment for 2–3 weeks produced a significant decrease in the maximum velocity (V max) of serotonin (5-HT) uptake, a measure of the number of 5-HT uptake sites in blood platelets from bipolar patients. The decrease was more pronounced in bipolar manic patients than bipolar depressed patients. There was no significant affect on the affinity for 5-HT (K m) of the uptake sites in the platelets of manic or depressed bipolar patients although K m did decrease (indicating increased affinity) in the majority of subjects from both groups of patients. However, lithium treatment of at least 1 year duration was associated with significant increases in V max without affecting K m. Lithium in vitro, at concentrations up to 1 mM, had no effect on the K m or V max of 5-HT uptake in blood platelets of normal controls. The possible mechanisms of the inhibitory and stimulatory effect of lithium carbonate treatment on platelet 5-HT uptake are discussed.

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