
In sorghum, whorl application of Lindane 6 G on 25th DAS recorded the least stem borer damage. Whort application of Lindane 6G 0.37 kg ai./ha on 25th day + 0 45 kg a/ha on 35th day (or) Lindane 6 G 0,45 ko ai/ha on 25th day + 0.45 kg al./ha on 35th day registered less leaf injury, dead hearts. percentage of tunnelling and higher yield. There was a continuous absorption of lindane by sorghum plant upto 15 days following the treatment. The presence of lindane residues in grains in thsee treatments clearly indicates that lindane gets translocated from the treated sorghum plants to grains, which ranged from 0,40 to 0.77 ppm in grain, from 0.05 to 1,04 ppm in straw and these residues were less than the tolerance limit of 3 ppm.

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