
Active iiitochonidrial preparationls were obtained from the peel of young Faris sweet lemonis. The high buffer capacity of the grinding solution and the miiaintenanice of a slightly alkalinie reaction while griniding the tissues (lirectlv in the solutioni obviate(d inactivation of the mitochonidria usually associated with a low 1)H. Citric aci(d occurred in a lower concenitration thani niialic acid in the Faris sweet lemon. Oxidative phosphorylation was obtained with citrate, oa-ketoglutarate, succinate, and malate as substrates. Wlhen citrate-1, 5-C14 was used as a substrate. labeled aketoglutarate was found after 60 minutes and labeled malate after 120 minutes. When succinate-1, 4-C'4 was used as a substrate, malate and fumarate were found after 60 minutes and also citrate after 120 minutes. WVhen pyruvate-3-C'4 was used as a substrate together with a sparker acid. citrate, a-ketoglutarate, and malate were found after 120 minutes. These findings, together with the inhibitory effects of cyanide and malonate, indicated the citric acid cycle was operative in this variety of lemon.

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