
In this study, the effects of red (R), blue (B) and far-red (FR) LED lights and their combination (R + B, R + FR, B + FR, R + B + FR) together with white (W) LED light as control, on the growth, nutritional quality and the glucosinolates of brassica microgreens were determined. Fresh and dry weights were increased with W, R, R + FR lights in broccoli and cabbage and with the R + B + FR and B + FR in radish microgreens. Soluble solids content (SSC) (%) was highest with W, R and B lights in broccoli and cabbage. The highest titratable acidity (TA) (%) was determined with B, FR, R + FR, B + FR in broccoli and W, R + FR, R + B in cabbage. In radish, lower TA was determined. In broccoli microgreens, glucoraphanin content and total GSLs were increased with B light whereas in cabbage, the combination of R + B revealed the highest aliphatics, In radish, glucoraphenin was highest in B light and the glucoraphasatin in R, FR, R + FR and B lights.

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