
This study focuses on three factors that affect the survival of the lilac pyralid, Palpita nigropunctalis (Lepidoptera:Crambidae): (1) the effect of leaf toughness on survival rate to clarify the availability of leaves as food, (2) the effect of temperature on immature development to determine the lower thermal threshold, and (3) the effect of temperature on head capsule width to clarify whether head capsule width can be used to discriminate among field-collected larval instars. Larvae could develop on Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus leaves collected in April, but not on leaves collected in June or September which were too tough to eat. More than 80% of the larvae on the leaves of Ligustrum lucidum, Ligustrum japonicum, Ligustrum obtusifolium and Syringa vulgaris completed development, regardless of the collection time. P. nigropunctalis completed development on L. lucidum at temperatures from 15 to 27.5 °C with a photoperiod of either 15 L:9D or 16 L:8D, but not at 30 °C, at which temperature no eggs hatched. The lower thermal threshold and thermal constant for total development from egg to adult were estimated at about 7 °C and 450–460 degree-days. Most of the larvae were 5-instar type larvae (passed through 5 instars) regardless of the temperature, but a few 6-instar type larvae (4 of 355) were noted at temperatures of 22.5 °C and higher. No overlap of the ranges of head capsule widths was detected for the 5-instar type larvae, indicating that head capsule width can be used to discriminate among field-collected larval instars.

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