
The main objective of this study was to assess the leadership styles and the strategy implementation of Non-government organizations in Rwanda. This study will follow the following objectives: To evaluate the effect of leadership styles (transformational, transactional and laissez faire styles) on corporate strategy implementation in Root foundation Rwanda, to assess the influence of leadership styles (transformational, transactional and laissez faire styles) on functional strategy implementation in Root foundation Rwanda, and determine the contribution of leadership styles (transformational, transactional and laissez faire styles) on operational strategy implementation in Root foundation Rwanda. Descriptive research design was used within this study, and the study population comprise 142 employees working on the NGO. The sample size of 105 respondents was established through calculations carried out using the Slovin's Formula. Descriptive research design and correlation analysis will be utilized to assess the data and results generalized for the entire population, while multiple regression was used to test hypotheses. To compute and analyze the data in this study, SPPSS version 23 was used. Secondary data was gleaned from available documentation at Root foundation Rwanda and elsewhere. The results showed that there is high correlation between Transformational leadership styles and Strategic implementation Root Foundation Rwanda as shown by a correlation figure of 0.709**, p-value =0.002<0.05 level (2-tailed), and also the multiple regression results revealed that Transformational leadership styles has significance positive effect on Strategic implementation as determined by β1= 0.172, p=0.009<0.05, t= 2.630. The increase of one unit in Transformational leadership styles leads to an increase in Strategic implementation by 0.172 units. The results showed that the correlation is high between Transactional leadership style and Strategic implementation of Root foundation Rwanda as shown by a correlation figure of 0.781**, p-value =0.000<0.05 level (2-tailed) and also the multiple regression results revealed that Transactional leadership style has significance and positive influence on Strategic implementation as indicated by β2= 0.482, p=0.000<0.05, t= 9.318. An increase of one unit in Transactional leadership style led to an increase in Strategic implementation of Root foundation Rwanda by 0.482 units. Findings revealed that there is significant moderate correlation between Laissez-faire leadership style and Strategic implementation of Root foundation Rwanda as shown by a correlation figure of 0.503**, p-value =0.000<0.05 level (2-tailed) and also the multiple regression results revealed that Laissez-faire leadership style has significance and positive contribution on Strategic implementation as indicated by β3= 0.455, p=0.000<0.05, t= 4.672. The implication is that an increase of one unit in Laissez-faire leadership style would lead to an increase in Strategic implementation of Root foundation Rwanda by 0.455 units. Keywords: Leadership Styles, Strategic Implementation, transformational, transactional and laissez faire styles

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