
ABSTRACT Nowadays, with the fast growing fashion trend, a surge in fashion demand is there. In future, this demand may expect to increase further in multifold. A particular apparel design is not being used for longer period due to the fast changing fashion and this will cause the shedding of micro fibers. Most of the clothes are blends of polyester (synthetic fibers) and cotton (natural fibers) (P/C: 70:30) and when wash these clothes, the shed fibers coming out and pollute the environment. These shed fibers poses a major threat to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem and also human health. The experimental study was performed on washing machine, considering three parameters – time (duration of washing), detergent concentration of washing liquor and mechanical stress level, to study the shed fibers. The study shows that the major contributing parameter causing more fiber loss was found to be 1% (lower) detergent concentration, this was perhaps due to decrease in inter-fiber friction. On the other hand, high micro fiber loss was achieved at higher mechanical stress and processing time. Also, the increased mechanical stress, increases the friction between the fabric and drum. Thus increases the electricity consumption. The combined impact of time and detergent concentration, increase the fiber loss. With higher processing time and lower detergent concentration, increases the micro fiber loss. The increased processing time and mechanical stress increases the micro fiber shedding and electricity consumption.

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