
Integrated magnetized liner inertial fusion (MagLIF) experiments on the OMEGA laser system are modeled to investigate the effects of laser preheat on implosion performance. In both simulations and experiments, preheating the fuel with a laser enhances the neutron yield, with the maximum yield occurring at an optimal preheat laser energy. Increasing the preheat energy past the optimal value reduces the neutron yield. In simulations, the rate of the drop in neutron yield depends on the inclusion of the Nernst effect. The Nernst effect advects the magnetic field away from the center of the fuel region during the preheat stage of MagLIF on OMEGA and weakens magnetic-flux compression. If the Nernst effect is not included, the simulated drop in yield past the optimal preheat laser energy is more gradual as opposed to the sharper drop seen in experiments. Simulations are able to model trend in measured ion temperatures seen in experiments. A mix model is used to show that including mix from the wall in the simulated fuel region further degrades the yield and lowers the optimal preheat laser energy. Simulations with mix predict that increasing the initial axial magnetic field may still enhance yield performance in integrated implosions.

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