
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of successful laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) on oral airway resistance (R(OA)) during wakefulness in patients with OSAS. Fifteen healthy subjects (group I) and 25 subjects (group II) with moderately severe or severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) proven by an overnight sleep study and who desired LAUP were enrolled. All underwent an overnight sleep study, pulmonary function testing and measurement of oral airway resistance [R(OA) (including impedance (Zrs), resistance (R) and reactance (X)] measurement by Impulse Oscillometry (IOS) (MasterScreen IOS, VIASYS Healthcare GmbH, Germany) in the upright (seated) position and then in the supine position while awake. Group II subjects had these measurements twice, both before and 3 months after LAUP. Based on the assessment of their sleep study after LAUP, they were divided into two groups: responders (group IIa) and nonresponders (group IIb). Zrs was normal in the sitting position both before and after LAUP in both groups IIa and IIb and comparable to that of group I controls. There was an increase in Zrs in the supine position in both groups IIa and IIb subjects before LAUP. After LAUP, the Zrs in group IIb subjects remained elevated, while that in group IIa subjects returned to levels comparable to those in the normal controls. OSAS patients before LAUP have abnormal R(OA) in the supine position as reflected by a high Zrs. The Zrs is improved after LAUP that successfully ameliorates OSAS.

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