
Susruta has explained in detail about Garbha Sambhavasamagri (factors for conception). They are Ritu (fertile period), Kshetra (reproductive system - Artavavaha Srotas), Ambu (nourishment) and Bija (ovum and sperm). Derangement in these factors especially Artavavaha Srotas results Vandhyatva (infertility). Infertility is the inability to get pregnant (for whatever reason) after a year of unprotected sexual activity. About 10 to 15 percent of couples who are of reproductive age are affected. Tubal blockage is one of the most important factors for female infertility. This condition is not described in Ayurvedic classics, as the fallopian tube itself is not mentioned directly. The present study was carried out to evaluate the role of Uttar Basti in tubal blockage, in order to establish it as a safer and cost-effective Ayurvedic treatment modality.

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