
This study aims to determine the effect of Knowledge Management on the performance of maintenance department employees at PT. Makassar Eastern Pearl Flour Mills and to find out which Knowledge Management indicators are most influential on employee performance. This study uses the statistical application IBM SPSS 21. The population in this study is employees at PT. Eastern Pearl Flour Mills Makassar, amounting to 78 people. The collection of data is done by using a questionnaire. 78 questionnaire were handed out with 65 questionnaire are valid. The data were processed using multiple linear regression analysis technique. The results of the study indicate that there is the influence of the variable Knowledge Management which consists of Personal Knowledge (X1), Job Procedure (X2), and Technology (X3) against the performance of the employee (Y) with the value of the coefficient of determination of 0.286. Analysis of the data do indicate that the variable Personal Knowledge of the results of the t test for 0.3562 is the most giving effect compared with other variables.

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