
Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an endocrine disorder distinguished by hormonal imbalances,ovarian dysfunction, and metabolic disturbances. The incidence of PCOS varies greatly in India, from 2.2% to26%.14Purpose: To find out the effect of Kapalabhati, Sithali, seethakari pranayama and yogic postures inPoly- cysticOvarian SyndromeMaterials and Methods: A total number 50 were selected from Jain Hospitals and labs based on inclusion criteriaand were divided. Yoga group: Kapalabhati pranayama – 3 rounds with 5 forceful expirations Sithali pranayama– 5 breaths Seethakari pranayama - 5 breaths, Suryanamaskar – 6 rounds Bhujangasana, supta baddha konasana,dhanurasana, badhakonasana, and Nauvasana all hold for 15 – 30 s and dietary changes low fat food, lesscarbohydrates and high protein and meditation for 10 minutes. Conventional group: Conservative managementincluding exercise including treadmill, steps climbing and cycling. Total session flows for an hour. Both groupswere compared with the pre- and post-test measurementsResults: The study shows a significant effect on Polycystic Ovarian syndrome using yoga interventionConclusion: Yoga intervention can be used effectively on Polycystic ovarian syndrome for long term benefits

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