
In this study, the effect of ionizing radiation was studied on the pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) gene expression in female moths of a noctuid pest Spodoptera litura (F.), that would trigger pheromone production and its release needed for calling behaviour. The PBAN gene expression in the radiosterilized female moths (at 130 Gy) showed a decline with respect to control (unirradiated moths), and PBAN expression was drastically reduced at higher dose, 200 Gy. The photosensitivity and diel rhythm of PBAN gene expression, indicating higher expression during peak hours of scotophase and lowest expression during photophase was maintained at 130Gy, which deemed this gamma dose a suitable sterilizing dose for female moths which seemed to retain reproductive competence. This study might support the radiosterilized female moths for their combined release with substerilized males, using 130Gy to effectively operate the F1 sterility technique proposed to control S. litura

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