
Mammography has been found significantly to impact mortality in women; however, compliance is still problematic. A theoretical model which combined Health Belief Model (HBM) constructs with stage of mammography adoption was used to investigate the effect of an individualized belief and/or informational intervention on mammography compliance. A control group and three intervention groups (belief, information, and belief and information) were used. A probability sample of 405 women ages 40-88 years without a prior history of breast cancer was randomly assigned to groups. Subjects in the intervention group received individually tailored messages to alter beliefs or provider information related to mammography screening. Women in the combined belief/information group were over two times more likely to have been compliant with mammography 1 year postintervention than those in the control. In addition, groups who received the belief intervention had significantly more women that went from a lower to a higher stage of mammography adoption.

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