
The gaits of undulating animals arise from a complex interaction of their central nervous system, muscle, connective tissue, bone, and environment. As a simplifying assumption, many previous studies have often assumed that sufficient internal force is available to produce observed kinematics, thus not focusing on quantifying the interconnection between muscle effort, body shape, and external reaction forces. This interplay, however, is critical to locomotion performance in crawling animals, especially when accompanied by body viscoelasticity. Moreover, in bioinspired robotic applications, the body's internal damping is indeed a parameter that the designer can tune. Still, the effect of internal damping is not well understood. This study explores how internal damping affects the locomotion performance of a crawler with a continuous, viscoelastic, nonlinear beam model. Crawler muscle actuation is modeled as a traveling wave of bending moment propagating posteriorly along the body. Consistent with the friction properties of the scales of snakes and limbless lizards, environmental forces are modeled using anisotropic Coulomb friction. It is found that by varying the crawler body's internal damping, the crawler's performance can be altered, and distinct gaits could be achieved, including changing the net locomotion direction from forward to back. We will discuss this forward and backward control and identify the optimal internal damping for peak crawling speed.

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