
 The crucial role of delivering health care services belongs to the health care providers. Among them, nurses have an important place both in regards to their numbers and the burden they take on. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand the relations between their work performances and their burnout level in conjunction with their internal& external motivation. The research is a cross-sectional observational study. Surveys were distributed to 600 nurses across the Asian part of ?stanbul among 4 hospitals. The study included the volunteer nurses who were actively working in the institutions, who were given permission to participate in the study, except for the nurses who were on leave/had a report during the data collection period. While collecting data, burnout, motivation and workers’ perceived performance scales were used. 458 nurses completed the surveys out of 600 distributed, of which 439 were deemed to be appropriate to be included in the analysis. All the data were analyzed at SPSS 22.0 version, with the mean, standard deviation, range and such descriptive statistics being used with p<0.05 significance level. Analyzes demonstrated a statistically significant negative correlation between burnout and perceived performance (p<0.01, r=-,422). On the other hand, the analyzes also demonstrated a positive but statistically significant and low-level correlation between motivation (internal and external) and perceived performance (p<0.01, r=,173; 226). Burnout caused by independent variables has a statistically significant and negative correlation between both internal and external motivation (p<0.01). Perceived work performance of nurses, one of the most important factors in delivering health care services, can be elevated by decreasing burnout level and by increasing their internal/external motivation. So, it is important for administrations to take appropriate measures to lower the burnout level and increase the motivation of nurses.

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