
This paper investigates the results of wind tunnel model testing on pressure distribution and proximity effects between twin tall buildings with large recessed corners in an open circuit boundary layer wind tunnel. Experiments were carried out for isolated and for full, half and no blockage interference conditions. Three interference conditions were created by placing the building of identical shape and size at different locations on the windward side of the principal building under consideration. Based on the experimental results, mean and Root Mean Square (RMS) wind pressure coefficients and interference factors are presented and discussed for all cases. Mean wind pressure coefficients and interference factors at all faces of the building model are plotted in the form of contours and also plotted along the height of the building at all faces. Pressure coefficients and interference factors for three interference conditions are also compared with the results of isolated condition to bestow comprehensive evaluation of the effects of the interference on changing of wind loads. Results show that pressure coefficients variation greatly depends on the position of the interfering building. Oblique configuration produces more severe interference effects on windward surfaces. The re-entrant corners present in the model also affect the pressure distribution because of flow stagnation in these corners. The interference effects in no blockage condition are significant and unfavorable at windward faces near recessed corners towards the interfering building, where the mean interference factor of more than 13 is observed.

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