
A field experiment was conducted at Dryland Agricultural Project, U.A.S., Bengaluru during the rainy seasons from 2009–10 to 2014–15 to study the performance of different intercrops in nipped castor (Ricinus communis L.) under Alfisols in rainfed conditions. Intercropping castor with finger millet in 1: 2 row proportion recorded significantly higher castor equivalent yield (1753 kg/ha) compared to rest of intercropping systems and sole castor (1214 kg/ha). Intercropping efficiency indices viz., land equivalent ratio (LER) (1.27) and area time equivalent ratio (ATER) (0.95) were maximum with castor + finger millet (1: 2) followed by castor + field bean (1: 1) intercropping system. The highest net returns per ha accrued (34615/ha) and B: C ratio (2.84) was recorded with castor + finger millet (1: 2) intercropping, while the lowest was with castor + grain amaranth. The sustainable yield index (0.36) and rain water use efficiency (5.45 kg/ha-mm) were highest with castor + finger millet intercropping in 1: 2 row proportions.

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