
A field experiment was conducted to find out the effect of integrated nutrient management in pomegranate under Marwar agro-climatic conditions of Rajasthan. The results revealed that among the different treatments used, the application of vermicompost @ 10 kg + 25% recommended dose of NPK + 5 kg neem cake + PSB 20 per plant significantly increased the quality components of pomegranate. Further, this treatment also improved fruit quality in terms of TSS (14.91%), TSS: acid ratio (41.62), ascorbic acid (14.39 mg/100 g aril), total sugars (14.24%) and organoleptic score (8.51) as well as leaf and soil nutrient status as compared to recommended dose of NPK (500: 200: 500 g). The leaf nitrogen (2.75%), phosphorus (0.47%) and potassium (1.76%) contents at harvest were significantly increased by the application of vermicompost @ 10 kg + 25% recommended dose of NPK + 5 kg neem cake + PSB 20 per plant.

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