
A field experiment was conducted at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, during the rainy seasons of 2000 and 2001 to study the effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) on productivity and nutri- ent uptake of pearlmillet [Penniseturn glaucurn (L.) R.Br. emend. Stuntz.] under rainfed conditions. Inoculation of seed with Azospirillum + phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) with 20 and 15 kg N and P20, resulted in signifi- cantly higher yield attributes, seed yield and NPK uptake. Further, application of 20 kg N + 15 kg P20$ha + Azospirillurn + PSB resulted in higher consumptive use of water (mm), water-use efficiency (kglha-mm) and daily rate of water use (mmlday) over other INM treatments. The seed yield and nutrient uptake increased with organic manuring in association with summer ploughing before sowing the crop. The consumptive use of water, water- use efficiency and daily rate of water use and yield attributes of pearlmillet, yield and N, P and K uptake signifi- cantly increased with different organic manures and summer ploughing before sowing of crop. The FYM @ 10 tonneslha with summer ploughi ,g before sowing of the crop registered the highest values for the above param- eters compared to other organic sources of nutrients and summer ploughing.

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