
The experiment was carried out during kharif season of 2013. The experiment was conducted in randomized block design with three replications using cv. HG - 365, with eleven treatments. The combination of FYM and vermicompost with two kinds of bio-fertilizers (Azotobacter and PSB) and reduced doses of chemical fertilizers were tested in comparison to recommended dose fertilizer. The yield components viz., number of clusters plant-1, number of pods in a cluster, length and diameter of pod differed significantly due to the different INM treatment. The treatment 75% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers and 25% RDF through vermicompost along with biofertilizers (Rhizobium at 25 g kg-1 seed + PSB at 5 kg ha- 1) recorded significantly highest pod yield (159.58 g plant-1). Hence, it was concluded that, for getting optimum growth, and higher pod yield the crop should be supplied with the 75% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers and 25% RDF through vermicompost alongwith biofertilizers (Rhizobium at 25 g kg-1 seed + PSB at 5 kg ha-1).

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