
Balance requires constant adjustments in muscle activation to attain force steadiness. Creating appropriate training can be challenging. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 2 weeks of front squat instability training using a water-filled training tube on force steadiness during an instability challenge. Control (CON, n = 13) and experimental (EXP, n = 17) subjects completed pre- and post-testing for EMG variability by completing one set of 10 repetitions with a stable and unstable training tube. Electrodes were placed bilaterally on the anterior deltoid, paraspinal, and vastus lateralis muscles. CON subjects completed 2 weeks of training using a stable training tube, while EXP subjects trained with a water-filled instability tube. EMG data were integrated for each contraction, and force steadiness was computed using the natural log of coefficient of variation. CON results showed no changes in force steadiness for any condition. EXP showed significant reductions in EMG activation variability across all muscles. These results indicate a significant training effect in reducing muscle activation variability in subjects training with a water-filled instability training device. Improvements seen in these healthy subjects support the development of training implements for a more clinical population to help improve force steadiness.

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