
Freeze-thawing (F/T) is an effective method of sludge dewatering preconditioning and has been studied in many studies. However, previous studies have taken landfill sludge from different regions, filled for different length of time or at different depth, resulting in large differences in initial water content and different treatment effects. Therefore, the effect of initial water content on the dewatering characteristics of F/T preconditioned landfill sludge has been investigated. The sludge with different initial water contents was firstly preconditioned by one F/T cycle. Then the F/T sludge was vacuum filtered and compared with the dewatering performance of FeCl3 preconditioned sludge with the same water content. Finally, the mechanism of the initial water content on the effect of F/T preconditioning was analyzed by the change of sludge internal composition. The results show that the higher the initial water content of the sludge, the greater the improvement of its dewatering performance after F/T preconditioning. The specific resistance and water content after filtration of sludge after F/T conditioning decreased greatly with the increase of the initial water content, reaching their respective minimum values of 13.3 × 1012 m/kg and 58.3% at 85% and 87.5%. These values are lower than the optimal values observed for the sludge conditioned by FeCl3. With the rise in initial water content, the driving force at the ice-water interface gains strength. Small particles aggregate into larger flocs, forming stable drainage channels that enhance the dewatering performance of sludge. Once the initial water content surpasses 85%, the squeezing force exerted by ice crystals amplifies the degree of cracking in sludge particles, releasing bound water and further decreasing the water content of sludge.

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