
The effects of induced hypothalamic hyperphagia and forced-feeding were studied in 30 geese of the Landes breed. They were housed in individual cages under a dark-light cycle of 12 hrs light-12 hrs darkness. Eleven geese with ventromedian hypothalamic (VMH) lesions and 8 controls were fed ad libitum. A third lot of 11 force-fed animals was pair-fed with the operated geese. The study lasted 4 weeks after an adaptation period to the new environmental conditions. The daily food intake of the geese and their weekly liveweight gain were monitored. After VMH lesions, the mean food intake of the geese increased by 169 p. 100 so that after each treatment their liveweight increased and they became obese (P less than 0.001). The tissue distribution of the group with lesions showed a higher amount of subcutaneous fat (P less than 0.05), while the mesenteric fat (P less than 0.05) was more abundant after forced-feeding. The liver weight was much higher in all cases; its increment reached 311 p. 100 in geese with VMH lesions and 193 p. 100 in the force-fed. However, those values were too low when compared to the means obtained by traditional forced-feeding. Hyperphagia in the geese was very marked as compared to that in rats, but it was insufficient to produce a considerable hepatic steatosis.

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