
Biodiesel is double sided Sword. Due to depletion o f fossil diesel, the Biodiesel have taken same posi tion in the fossil fuel category. That’s why now a day the world is taking step towar ds the biodiesel because the depletion of fossil di esel. Biodiesel is basically Fatty Acid methyl ester based fuel, a long chain of trigl ycerides and the alcohol in the presence of catalys t forms ethyl esters and the glycerol that process is known as Transesterificati on, if the free fatty acid content percentage in the oil is more than 2.5 % then the process by which the oil is converted to ethyl este rs is known as Esterification followed by Transeste rification. In this study we mostly concentrate on the physio ‐ chemical properties; Th e Physio ‐ chemical properties like Density, Kinema tic Viscosity, Flash Point, Cetane Number, are having statistical correlations with the Gross Calorific Value of Karanja Oil Methy l Ester (KOME). We have also shown in the paper, the individual properties how much percent statistical correlation have with the gross calorific value, we have calculated it by Least square Approximation of Linear Regression.

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