
Death anxiety refers to the fear and apprehension of one's own death. It is the neurotic fears of loss the self which in intense state parallels feelings of helplessness and depression. In old age, people must confront the possibility of their own death as well as the death of loved ones. Death most commonly occurs in later years (Mimrot, 2011). Research references indicated that institutionalized old age person frequently suffers a loss of individuality and diminish selfworth. Loss of self worth can lead to depression, which the most common psychological problem is found in the institutionalized elderly population (Cunningham & Brrokband, 1988,Papaliaet al., 1996) Privacy is at a premium in nursing homes. Residents are under continual supervision by staff but paradoxically many are deprived of meaningful social contact and feel isolated. In addition, the ability to make personal choices is often several limited in nursing homes. Lack of choice is one component of the dehumanization often felt by elderly people living in nursing homes (Weiner et al., 1987). The good resident is one who conforms to the rules and does not make too many demands. People who are elderly and confined to nursing homes frequently suffer a loss of individuality and diminished selfworth (Hilliard, 2005). Finally, there is the belief that a nursing home is a place to wait for death. It is so wonder that many of the residents feel depressed, isolated and socially aloof from one another and from the staff. (William, 1995)Music therapists use methods suchas song writing, improvisation, guided imagery and music, lyric analysis, singing, instrument playing and music therapy relaxation techniques to treat the many needs of patients and families receiving care. Needs often treated by music therapists in end-of-life care include the social e.g. isolation, loneliness, boredom (Clements, 2003 & Cunliffe, 2003), emotional e.g. depression, anxiety, anger, fear, frustration (O'Callaghan 1993, 1996), cognitive e.g. neurological impairments, disorientation, confusion (Salmon 1995 & Hilliard 2003), physical e.g. pain, shortness of breath (Krout, 2001) and spiritual e.g. lack of spiritual connection, need for spiritually-based rituals (Magill 2001 & Mandel 1993). Music therapy has been used successfully formany years for rehabilitation programs for the elderly especially for those persons confined to institutionalized homes. It promotes social interaction, improves reality orientation, improves self esteem, promotes relaxation and reduces stress, anxiety (Aldridge & Aldridge 1992). Literature supporting the use of music therapy in old age care is growing. However, the number of quantitative research studies investigating the use of music therapy in death anxiety, is limited.Keeping these views, the present research project was to examine the effectiveness of music therapy in reducing death anxiety for institutionalized elderly persons.ProblemIn the light of above review and views, an attempt is made to find out an impact of Indian Music on level of death anxiety among institutionalized old age persons.Hypothesis of the studyLevel of depression will be managed among institutionalized old age persons through Indian Music. This hypothesis is based on Clements, 2004, Mimrot, 2011, Thompson and Grocke, 2007 studies.DesignIt is a quasi-experimental research in which musical package is worked as Independent Variable and perception of death anxiety is Dependent Variable. Pre and post design was used to find out how musical package manages perception of death anxiety among institutionalized old age persons. 90 days musical package for 45 minutes duration was presented to a group of old age persons twice a day i.e., one session in morning (before breakfast) and another is in evening (before dinner) at their old age home only. Those old age persons, who were staying from more than one year in old age home, were selected and none of them was having any Psychiatric and Psychological problem. …

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