
The article describes a method of preventing postpartum obstetric-gynecological diseases and improving cow reproductive function due to the increase of body nonspecific resistance with the application of electropuncture and biopreparation Prevention-N-C (Chuvash State Agrarian University, Russia) and Salus-PE (Chuvash State Agrarian University, Russia). The cows of the 1st group were injected three times 45-40, 25-20 and 15-10 days before calving intramuscularly at a dose of 10 ml/head with the biopreparation Prevention-N-C, and the cows of the 2nd group were injected according to the same scheme and the same term with Salus-PE, and the cows of the 3nd group electropuncture was performed on the Vocal-B device (BIORS, Russia) immediately after childbirth, three times, after 48 h. The use of biopreparations during critical periods of cow steeliness reduced the risks of subinvolution of the uterus, endometritis and mastitis in the postpartum period and increased the reproductive qualities of cows. It has been shown that after the use of Salus-PE, 100% of cows are fertilized, 60% of which are fertilized in the first sexual hunt, and 40% - in the second. The insemination index was 1.4.

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