
Background: Adipose or fatty tissue will interfere with the maturation process of the tissue, causing the tissue to become hard, difficult to cut and interfere with the staining of the preparation. Therefore, the adipose tissue needs to be diluted through the delipidation stage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in the immersion temperature of colonic tissue using SLS 4% for 6 hours on the quality of the tissue preparations produced and the presence of differences in the quality of the preparations produced.
 Method: This research method uses a quasi-experimental type of research using data obtained from measuring the level of clarity and quality of tissue preparations and then processed statistically using the Paired Sample T-Test . The samples used in this study are the remaining samples in the form of colonic tissue that are no longer used by the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of Cibabat Hospital. The colonic tissues used is as many 15 units. The parameters used are a 4% SLS clarity rate, and the quality of colonic tissues preparations that are observed microscopically and using ImageJ software.
 Result: The results of the Paired Sample T-Test obtained a value of t = -1.740, df = 14 and gave a p-value much smaller than 0.05. The results of the study showed that there was an influence of temperature variations on the quality of colonic tissue preparations and there were differences in the quality of the colonic tissue preparations produced.
 Conclusion: Colonic tissues that are immersed using a 4% SLS at 60°C provide a more optimal quality preparation compared to colonic tissue at 4% room temperature SLS immersion and tissues that do not go through delipidation.The research suggestion is to conduct further research to obtain optimal time, temperature and concentration in SLS as a delipidation agent so that good quality preparations are obtained but do not eliminate fat completely.

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