
The effect of hypocapnia on regional cerebral glucose utilization (L-CMRg) was studied in 14 Sprague Dawley rats. After cannulation of femoral vessels, halothane was discontinued and anesthesia was maintained with 70% N2O in oxygen. The animals' lungs were mechanically ventilated to achieve normocapnia (PaCO2 = 40 +/- 2 mmHg) in group A or hypocapnia (PaCO2 = 25 +/- 2 mmHg) in group B. L-CMRg was measured by the 14C-2-deoxyglucose autoradiographic method. Twenty-six anatomically discrete structures representing cortical, subcortical, limbic, and brainstem areas were studied. In hypocapnic animals, mean values for L-CMRg were higher in 25 out of 26 structures studied. The increase in L-CMRg was heterogenous. The structures that had higher L-CMRg during normocapnia showed the greatest increase in L-CMRg. When the two groups were compared using a profile analysis, in six regions (lateral and ventral thalamus, inferior colliculus, lateral habenulla, medial geniculate body, and auditory cortex), a value of P less than 0.05 was obtained.

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