
For the classical antiferromagnet MnF2 with TN≃67K, the pressure dependence of static magnetic susceptibility χ at T > TN was studied for the first time. The measurements of χ(P) were carried out at fixed temperatures 78, 140, and 300 K using a pendulum-type magnetometer and helium gas pressure P up to 2 kbar. The experimental data on the pressure derivative of magnetic susceptibility, d lnχ/dP, were analyzed within the Curie–Weiss law for χ(T) behavior, yielding estimate of the pressure derivative of paramagnetic Curie temperature dΘ/dP = – (0.31 ± 0.05) K/kbar and value (1/Θ)dΘ/dP = (3.5 ± 0.5) Mbar–1. The obtained experimental result is explained by the volume dependence of superexchange interaction between the magnetic moments of Mn2+ ions.

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