
AbstractThe effects of hydrogen on the γ‐radiation‐induced polymerization of ethylene were studied from the viewpoint of polymer structure and kineties. All experiments were carried out at 30°C. In the polymerization of ethylene containing 21.6% hydrogen, the solid polymer was obtained as a main product, while no liquid product was found. There was no difference in hydrogen contents before and after the irradiation; and acetylene, ethane, butane, and butene‐1 were found as gaseous products. The polymer yield increased almost proportionally with dose rate in the presence of 8.0% hydrogen; on the other hand the molecular weight was independent of dose rate. At hydrogen contents of 0–8%, the polymerization rate increased with reaction time and decreased with hydrogen content. The molecular weight also increased with the time, and the extent of the increment decreased with the time and hydrogen content. The number of moles of polymer chain increased proportionally with the reaction time and increased linearly with hydrgen concentration. These results were analyzed by using a graphical evaluation method for kinetics, and the effects of hydrogen on the each elementary step in the polymerization were discussed.

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