
We explore the effects of codoping with hydrogen on magnetism, conductivity, and spin polarization of carriers in Cr-doped ZnO. Zn0.99Cr0.01O:H films sputter deposited on sapphire show a correlation between magnetization and conductivity when H is introduced. In the first method, dielectric and weakly magnetic films grown in pure Ar are subsequently annealed at 400°C in a 5% H2 95% Ar 1atm flowing tube furnace. These films show increases in conductivity and saturation and remnant magnetization postanneal. In the second method, conducting ferromagnetic films are grown in the H∕Ar mixture. They are magnetic as grown but show a small decrease in saturation and remnant magnetization and conductivity post-H∕Ar anneal. Ferromagnetic CrO2 with TC=390K or antiferromagnetic phases are not detected in hydrogenated films. We studied spin polarization of carriers using anomalous Hall effect; however, initial experiments show no such signs, hence spin polarization is not yet confirmed. Hydrogen doped in dielectric Cr:ZnO may contribute to the conductivity and ferromagnetism in a noncausal relationship.

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