
Theestablishment of Aquilariaspp in producingagarwoodisgaining more and more attentionlately, especially withgrowinginterest in agarwoodoilextraction. Thus, theoilextractionsomehow produces abundantwaste of processedagarwood.Theintent of thisresearchistoutilizewastefromagarwoodoilextractionprocess,wherethesilicacontentin thiswastewasdetermined.A preliminarystudywasconductedontheeffect of hydrochloricacidtreatments ofagarwoodwasteon FTIR profile. Aftersoakingovernightwithdifferentacidconcentration; 0.3M, 0.5M and 1M, allthesamplesweredried and analyzedbyusingfouriertransform infra red (FTIR). Theresult shows theexistence of silicagroup in thewaste at 1031 cm-1peak. Thehighestsilicaintensityfoundwas86%,obtainedfromthesample of agarwoodwastetreatedwith 0.3M HCl.However, theintensitydecreasedproportionaltoincreasingacidconcentrationduetothedecrement of thesilicaconcentrationdetectedbytheinstrument.

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