
Rooted cuttings of crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica L. × L. fauriei `Muskogee') were transplanted into 3.8-L black polyethylene containers filled with a bark-based rooting substrate and exposed for 2 months during Summer 1995 to either of three container shielding treatments: containers shielded from insolation (container shielded inside a whitewashed 11.4-L black polyethylene container), containers exposed to insolation, or containers shielded for 1 month then exposed for 1 month. Mean highest temperature in the western quadrant of rooting substrate of exposed containers was 16°C higher than for those in shielded containers. Containers exposed for 2 months had reduced root and shoot growth and increased leaf N compared with the other two treatments. Crape myrtle plants were next transplanted into 27.0-L polybags, transferred into a temperature-controlled glasshouse, and fertigated to container capacity every 3 days with humic acid extract at concentrations of 0, 50, 150, or 300 μl·L–1 for 2 additional months. Effects of the container shielding treatments for all growth parameters remained evident until the end of the experiment. Shoot and root extension growth of plants previously in containers shielded for 2 months and containers exposed for 2 months, responded in a quadratic fashion to humic acid extract concentration levels.

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