
growth depends on continuation of cartilage growth and endochrondral oss ification at the epiphyses, while appositional growth and the lifelong remodeling of the skeleton depends on direct bone formation and resorption without the intervention of cartilage (l). These processes are subject to at least three kinds of regulation. (a) Genetic determinants are presumably responsible for the wide variation in skeletal mass and size observed in man and ani­ mals. (b) Variations in gravitational and mechanical stresses can determine bone shape and internal structure. (c) Humoral agents affecting growth can act directly or indirectly on the skeleton, controlling size, maturation, and day-to-day bone turnover. Good reviews of skeletal development and turnover (2, 3) and the hormonal control of bone resorption (4) have been published recently. Thc present review will emphas ize the effects of hor­ mones on bone formation and the effects of some vitamins and ions which may interact with hormones or mediate their effects on the skeleton. HORMONAL RECULATION OF FETAL DEVELOPMENT

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