
Resistance training is known to enhance excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), yet, it is unclear what intensity of resistance exercise is necessary to optimize EPOC. Moreover, it is known that differences in body composition can alter total energy expenditure (EE), yet little is known concerning the effect of body composition on EPOC. PURPOSE: 1) To compare the effect of a single bout of high or low intensity resistance exercise of equal work on EPOC and 2) to determine the effect of body composition on EPOC. METHODS: Ten obese and 10 lean males performed 3 sets of 8 exercises at a low (50% 1 RM) and high intensity (80% 1 RM) of equal work volume. Energy expenditure, respiratory exchange ratio (R), and substrate oxidation were measured at immediately, 1 h, and 2 h post exercise and compared to resting values obtained prior to the exercise bout. RESULTS: Resting metabolic rate (RMR) was significantly higher in the obese group (297.13 ± 43.79 ml/min) compared to the lean group (260.67 ± 28.90 ml/min, p <0.05) but no group differences existed when adjusted for LBM. Post exercise energy expenditure, expressed as mean VO2 and AUC, and R were not significantly (p >0.05) different between the 50% and 80% 1 RM study days. At each post exercise measurement period, a significantly (p <0.05) higher EE existed in the obese group compared to the lean group. Adjusting the post exercise energy expenditure for differences in RMR between the two groups, EE immediately post, 1 h, and 2 h post was no longer significantly different between the obese and lean individuals. CONCLUSIONS Low and high intensity resistance exercise bouts of equal work volume will produce similar post exercise energy expenditure. Moreover, obese and lean men will elicit similar post exercise energy expenditure in response to resistance exercise bouts of varying intensity but equal work volume.

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