
The relationship between photosynthesis, pigment accumulation, and the expression of key light-regulated genes in Solanum lycopersicum hp-1, hp-2 and hp-1.2 photomorphogenetic mutants under conditions of high-intensity light (2000 μm (photons) m−2s−1) was studied.The hp-2 mutant (LA3006) and the hp-1 mutants (LA4012 and LA3538) are deficient in DET1 (De-etiolated 1 and DDB1 (DNA DAMAGE-BINDING PROTEIN 1), respectively, which are components of the CDD complex (COP10, DDB1, DET1). HP mutants are superproducers of various pigments and are sensitive to light. We have shown that HIL (high-intensity light) causes a decrease in PSII activity after 24 and 72 h of irradiation, which was partially restored after 72 h in the WT. The photosynthetic rate noticeably decreased only in LA4012 and LA3538 after 24 h of irradiation. After 72 h, the photosynthetic rate decreased in all mutants, with the exception of hp-1.2 LA0279, but the decrease was most noticeable in LA4012, yet significant changes in the respiration rate were absent. The LA0279 mutant was more capable of accumulating anthocyanin in the cells of the subepidermal parenchyma and chlorenchyma, as well as in the cells at the base of large multicellular glandular trichomes and in the mesophyll. Another important difference was the accumulation of increased amounts of antheraxanthin and phenolic compounds in the leaves of LA0279 after 72 h of HIL irradiation. Unlike LA4012, LA3006, LA0279, and LA3538 sowed a significantincrease in the expression levels of CHS, HY5, and FLS genes after 24 h, which may be one of the reasons for the higher adaptive potential of those three mutants. In addition to that in LA3538, strong light-induced stress led to an increased level of flavonol synthase (FLS) expression in the LA3006, LA0279, and LA4012 mutants.We hypothesize that the photosynthetic apparatus (PA) of the LA0279 mutant, which is deficient in the DET1 and DDB1 genes, is most adapted to prolonged HIL. Most likely, the resistance of PA mutants to HIL is due to a variety of factors, which, in addition to the redistribution of carotenoids, may include morphological features associated with the accumulation of anthocyanin in the epidermis, subepidermal layer, mesophyll and trichomes of leaves and with an increase in leaf thickness.

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