
The current study was designed to estimate the effect of heat treatment conditions on the quality of the pomelo and kinnow juice. The different temperature–time combination was selected to treat the juices. The quality of the juice was determined based on TSS, acidity, ascorbic acid content, total phenolic content, reducing sugar, antioxidant activity, and sweetness. After the heat treatment to both the juice, the samples showed a significant decrease in total phenolic content, reducing sugars, ascorbic acidity and antioxidant activity of juices as the duration and temperature of the treatment increases. The acidity of the product increases, while sweetness decreases with an increase in the time of treatment. It was also found that there is no significant change in the properties with an increase in the temperature of treatment. It was revealed that low-temperature low time can be used to get a good final quality in terms of ascorbic acid, antioxidant, and total phenolic content of both juices.

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