
The present investigation was undertaken to study the “Effect of growth regulators and rooting media on the regeneration of kagzi lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) through air layering” at the Horticulture Garden, Department of Fruit Science, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology Kanpur (U.P.) during the rainy season of 2018-19 and 2019-20. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial C.R.D. with replication trice. Twenty treatments two levels each of IBA and NAA (2000 ppm and 4000 ppm) and four rooting media i.e. soil, F.Y.M., vermicompost and moss grass were taken and these rooting media were also taken as unit of control. Data on all root parameters i.e. callus formation, days required for root initiation, number of primary roots, length of primary roots, diameter of primary roots, fresh weight of primary roots, dry weight of roots and percent of rooting were taken. IBA 4000 ppm was found significantly more effective and all above root characters revealing subsequently 0.59, 0.61cm; 22.87, 22.46 days; 19.35, 20.41; 4.58, 4.66 cm; 1.62, 1.66 mm; 4.39 and 4.53 g; 0.52, 0.53 g and 80.59, 82.55% values respectively. Rooting media moss grass proved superior among all the media maximizing all the above traits and recording 0.63, 0.64 cm; 22.17 and 21.71 days; 21.38, 22.47; 4.70, 4.79 cm; 1.67 and 1.72 mm; 4.83, 5.05 g; 0.57, 0.49 g and 86.01, 88.03; values respectively during corresponding years. Combined effect of growth regulators and rooting media did not prove significant on all the root parameters barring percent of rooting. In this regard interactive treatment IBA 4000 ppm × moss grass enhanced rooting (90.33 and 92.02%). Control versus treatment varied significantly in all rooting characters during both the years of study.

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