
A field experiment was conducted during the kharif season of 2010-11 to 2012-13 at Nana Kandhasar, Surendranagar, Gujarat to study the yield, economics and post harvest soil nutrient status of groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L ) - based intercropping systems under rainfed condition. Results of experiment indicated that intercropping of groundnut and sesame in the row proportion of 1:1 recorded significantly higher groundnut pod equivalent yield (1106 kg/ha), land equivalent ratio (1.18 ), net returns (Rs 30691/ha ) as well as B:C ratio (1.82 ) over other planting pattern. Further, the data revealed that the highest nutrient use productivity (27.88 kg/ha/kg) was recorded under sole groundnut, while maximum available N (220.2 kg/ha) and K (310.4 kg/ha) was recorded with groundnut + greengram (1:1) and highest available P (29.2 kg/ha) with sole mothbean. Thus, groundnut + sesame (1:1) is a biologically and economically sustainable intercropping system for rainfed conditions of Gujarat.

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