
Soil creep is mostly manifested in slow-moving landslides. It is often the case for active slow-moving landslide with slip zone comprising clayey soil where creep would develop in the residual condition. If gravel is presented in clayey soil, this will have considerable impact on creep behavior of clayey soil. However, knowledge about creep behavior of the clayey soil containing gravel particles is scarce. This paper discusses creep behavior of natural clayey soil with gravel at residual state through a series of creep shear tests. Soil samples for this testing program were collected from the slip zones of two large slow-moving landslides in China. The collected soil samples consisted of clayey soil containing various amounts of gravel particles. The test results show that the soil specimens underwent two different creep patterns. An attenuating creep pattern was observed when the soil specimens were subjected to creep stress less than the residual strength, and a creep with increasing strain rate, or a nonattenuating creep pattern, with no evident secondary creep was noted when creep stress was intestinally increased to a level slightly greater than the residual strength. The creep patterns of clayey soil with gravel at the residual state observed in this study were noted to be very consistent with those of the gravel-free clayey soil reported in Bhat et al. (Int J Geomater 1(1):39–43, 2011, Nat Hazards 69(3):2161–2178, 2013) and Di Miao et al. (Eng Geol 162:53–66, 2013). This gives an indication that creep patterns of clayey soils with and without gravel at the residual state are essentially the same, or in other words, that the presence of gravel does not change the creep pattern of clayey soil. However, the test results in this study illustrate that the presence of gravel does have a notable effect on creep behavior of clayey soil. Specifically, the creep stress leading to creep failure of clayey soil and the minimum ratio of the creep stress to residual strength (RCSR) increased with gravel content, and the displacement until the tertiary creep was also larger in samples containing more gravel particles. It is postulated that creep behavior of clayey soil at the residual state in this study and its relationship with gravel content may be related to strength recovery and crushing of gravel-sized particles during creep.

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